iFeature Changelog **************************** Version 6.5 (12/26/17) - Visual Improvements to the Admin Dashboard - Fixed Recent post widget issue (No of posts field not working) Version 6.4 (11/20/17) - Added option to filter categories from Blog page (Customize -> Blog Option) Version 6.3 (10/11/17) - Added 3-Column Grid Layout For Blog Posts ( Theme Options -> Blog -> Blog Options -> Select Page Layout ) Version 6.2 (10-05-17) - Fixed header already sent issue - Menu scrolling and menu options do not display issues for responsive screens - Fixed image upload issue in the media library Version 6.1 (09-19-17) - Added new design skin that impacts font, sidebar, menu design ( Appearance -> Theme Options -> Design -> Skin Options ) - Added option to turn on/off gradient color scheme ( to choose flat color instead ) - All 'Read more' hyperlinks changed to a button Version 6.0 (09-13-17) - Added sticky header option - Added author bio option Version 5.9 (08-02-17) - Added author gravatar for blog posts Version 5.8 (06-19-17) - Default font changed - Highlighted edit links in the customizer preview Version 5.7 (03-23-17) - Fixed issue with PHP version 7.1 Version 5.6 (20-10-16) - Added Setting to change Menu background color, Menu hover color and Menu text color Version 5.5.8 (08-05-16) - Updated as per latest Theme Check guidelines Version 5.5.7 (07-04-16) - Fixed site font issue Version 5.5.6 (25-11-15) - Fix few minor issues related to customization Version 5.5.5 (17-07-15) - Change in theme customizer as per wordpress.org guidelines Version 5.5.4 (1-23-15) - Fixed conflict between slider free and pro plugin. - Added new plugin suggestion. Version 5.5.3 (11-25-14) - Removed theme activation notice. - Changed default links for slider. Version 5.5.2 (11-16-14) - Removed cyberchimps_mlu_init() as it has register_post_type() which is plugin-territory functionality. - Added sanitization to customizer options. - Removed deprecated screen_icon(). Version 5.5.1 (9-24-14) - Placeholder fix for IE8/9. Version 5.5 (09/05/14) - Design refresh. Version 5.1.81 (8-22-14) - Updated Translations. Version 5.1.80 (8-08-14) - Fixed conflict of footer widgets with other widgets. - Responsive fix for uploaded video. Version 5.1.79 (7-25-14) - Layout fixed for multiple rows of footer widget. Version 5.1.78 (7-18-14) - Fixed broken link to CyberChimps logo. Version 5.1.77 (7-11-14) - Replaced logo with text in footer credit link. Version 5.1.76 (7-04-14) - Added option for Instagram Icon. Version 5.1.75 (6-27-14) - Core Translation Updated. Version 5.1.74 (6-20-14) - Code reformatting: Changed spaces to tabs. Version 5.1.73 (6-13-14) - Code reformatted: Changed spaces to tabs. Version 5.1.72 (6-06-14) - Uploading due to technical problem. Version 5.1.71 (6-06-14) - Code reformatting: Changed spaces to tabs. Version 5.1.70 (5-30-14) - Fixed casing of CyberChimpsParallax class. Version 5.1.69 (5-23-14) - Updated ugrade text. - Removed left sidebar from widget section. - Removed "Custom Callout" from sub settings. Version 5.1.68 (5-16-14) - Correct spelling of CyberChimps/CSS. - Change text for Google font field. - Added cyberchimps_ prefix to couple of functions. - Changed CyberChimps logo on theme options page. - Changed "alt" text of logo to the site name instead of "logo". - Regenerated ".mo" files as they were 0KB each before, hence breaking the translation. Version 5.1.67 (5-9-14) - Fixed W3C validator error issue with IE compatibility meta tags. - Fixed missing image error: removed unused function. - Added FooBox as recommended plugin. Version 5.1.66 (5-2-14) - Fixed byline toggle issue. Version 5.1.65 (4-24-14) - Added recommendation for clef plugin. - Updated translations. - Youtube video fixed. Version 5.1.64 (4-16-14) - Changed social font icons to font awesome. - Removed unwanted function_exists() conditional wrapper. - Added id header_section to the header container div. Version 5.1.63 (4-9-14) -Added upgrade button to the free theme customizer. -Fixed Vimeo video responsiveness. Version 5.1.62 (4-3-14) - Added new background option. - Removed wp_register_style(or script) for local css/js files. Version 5.1.61 (3-27-14) - Updated Elements Translation. - Updated Theme Trnslation. Version 5.1.60 (3-21-14) - Updated support forum URL. - Fixed IE8 compatibility issue. Version 5.1.59 (3-12-14) - Fixed duplicate plugin install notification in option page. - Modified "More Themes" page to show up all CyberChimps free theme with option to install/activate right there. Version 5.1.58 (3-5-14) - Fixed conflict between blog post excerpt option and bbpress user profile page. - Set up element options defaults for better wp.org preview. - Added filter for background default args. - HTML Error fix: Added space before menu>li>attribute. Version 5.1.57 (2-27-14) - Slider fix to start on page load. - Updated elements images along with boxes images. - Fixed Read more text option. - Responsive toggle fix: tweaked full-width-container width. - Background option fix. - Removed post format icon from page. - Updated screenshot. Version 5.1.56 (2-18-14) - Slider is made to be start sliding on page load. Version 5.1.55 (2-11-14) - Updated Translation. Version 5.1.54 (2-5-14) - Fixed multiple thumbnails issue on image attachment page. - Fixed image load issue for boxes element. - Upsell page tweaked(Font & Text). Version 5.1.53 (1-27-14) - Boxes: Added latest default images and retina versions. - Added Danish translation to core. - Added hook to set blog layout option default. Version 5.1.52 (1-21-14) - Email icon made not to open a new tab. - Removed Twitter bar from default option. Version 5.1.51 (1-14-14) - Changed blog layout option text. - Fixed upload button not working issue with child themes. Version 5.1.50 (1-6-14) - Modified Helvetica font-family. - Removed translation of a variable. Version 5.1.49 (12-23-13) - Fixed drag and drop font icons on page options. - Added metabox field type unfiltered_textarea. - Changed underscrore to hyphen in class for portfolio lite element. Version 5.1.48 (12-16-13) - Email and google map icon issue fixed. - Social icon issue in IE fixed. - Added larger screenshot for WP3.8. - Update tags for WP3.8. - Updated license. Version 5.1.47 (12-12-13) - Fixed social icon links. - Fixed metabox toggle option. Version 5.1.46 (12-11-13) - Added Font-Based Social Icons. - Integrated Font Awesome (Bootstrap font). - Added retina ready images and style for it. - Changed the way of metabox css/js getting enqueued to support child theme. Version 5.1.45 (12-04-13) - Image size fix: Hooked add_image_size to after_setup_theme. - Deleted unused images. - Added TGM class to recommend responsive Add Ons. - Removed Google Analytics option (requested by WordPress). - Removed theme redirection (requested by WordPress). Version 5.1.44 (11-15-13) - Added new background image option. - Js minification for elements. - Translation update. Version 5.1.43 (11-12-13) - Remove skins in customizer - Post slides removed - Translation domain fix. - Sanitization added to few metabox option types. - Js minification in core. Version 5.1.42 (11-7-13) - Removed unused code Version 5.1.41 (11-1-13) - Added new metabox class. Version 5.1.40 (10-30-13) - Slider lite ID separator change from (-) to(_). Changed affected JS and CSS. - Theme License update to GPL v3.0 - Updated Font licenses Version 5.1.39 (10-18-13) - Container width fix. - Added class cc-responsive if responisve design is on. Version 5.1.38 (10-11-13) - Changed ID name separator to (_) from (-) for elements/boxes.php Version 5.1.37 (10-4-13) - Minified JS. - Reformatted code( Replaced spaces with tabs ). Version 5.1.36 (9-27-13) - Upsell page: If the listed theme is installed then add a tick mark next to it. Version 5.1.35 (9-20-13) - Slider option from post is removed as it was not part of free themes. - Fixed google font issue. Version 5.1.34 (9-13-13) - Updated README file. Version 5.1.33 (9-6-13) - Minified multi media upload. - Meta box fix - changed save_post hook to pre_post_update. - Wrapped home_url() with esc_url() - Removed function_exists() check before add_image_size() call. Version 5.1.32 (8-30-13) - Removed new meta-box options due to unresolved bug that affected some users. Version 5.1.31 (8-23-13) - Added new class for metabox options. - Social icons reordering. - Upsell page update: Updated screenshot and info of Neuro Pro. Version 5.1.30 (8-16-13) - Fixed heading typography. - Footer copyright - allow all html through. - Added custom css option to customizer. - Adjusted margin/padding for tablet/mobile level. Version 5.1.29 (8-9-13) - Removed duplicated customizer menu for WPv3.6. - Fixed standard violation notices regarding Walker class for WPv3.6. - Added functionality to allow HTML Footer Copyright Text option. - Updated URLs to theme's help, guides, forum page etc. Version 5.1.28 (8-2-13) - Fixed site width issue. - Half slider order tweak. Version 5.1.26 (7-26-13) - Added upsell page listing all CyberChimps themes. - Added one click plugin instalation support for "Easy Digital Download". - Added polish language support. Version 5.1.25 (7-19-13) - Swapped position of buttons "Save Option" and "Restore Defaults" so that when you are in an input field, on press of "Enter" it saves the options. - Added default text for boxes element. - New HTML structure for password protected page/post. - Typography improvement: implemented dfferent font family for headings and text, both in theme option and customizer. Version 5.1.24 (7-11-13) - Added filters to widget titles. - Woocommerce - removed max-width. - Changed where the skin css gets added in the head. Version 5.1.23 (7-4-13) -Removed twitter element. -Updated default images and icons. -Updated translation. -Added option to add title to blog page. -Updated carousel plugin. -Fixed YouTube video responsive issue. Version 5.1.22 (6-27-13) -Updated twitter API to v1.1 Version 5.1.21 (6-21-13) -Replaced headlines tags from h2 to h1 at required places. Version 5.1.20 (6-13-13) Removed the unused global variable from boxes.php. Version 5.1.19 (6-6-13) -Updated meta in pot file. -Added updated class to the time tag in cyberchimps_posted_on() function. -Fixed custom css sanitization at php and js levels. -Updated woocommerce styling. -Improved comments schema for microformats. Version 5.1.18 (5-30-13) -Removed modal welcome note on theme install. -Boxes - added filter for default number Version 5.1.17 (5-23-13) -Added function cyberchimps_posted_by() to display author link. -Modified function cyberchimps_posted_on(), tags containing date fields are made to be printed only when date toggle is on. -Added function call to cyberchimps_posted_by(). Version 5.1.16 (5-17-13) -Updated slimbox to latest version. -Prevented default click action on mobile level slimbox. -Added the functionality to prevent the image to load in lightbox for mobile devices. -Updated Dutch and German Languages. -Fixed the double sliders issue. -Added filter cyberchimps_sidebar_before_widget to add markup before widget. -Updated footer image logo. Version 5.1.15 (5-9-13) -Replaced get_template_directory_uri() with the variable already declared locally in the function in cyberchimps/functions.php. Version 5.1.14 (5-2-13) -Woocommerce layout fix Version 5.1.13 (4-26-13) -Replaced cyberchimps_option() with cyberchimps_get_option(). Version 5.1.12 (4-19-13) -Removed elements using custom post type -Added boxes lite to theme and page options Version 5.1.11 (4-12-13) -Framework improvements. Version 5.1.10 (4-2-13) -Framework improvements. Version 5.1.9 (3-22-13) -Framework improvements. Version 5.1.8 (3-14-13) -Framework improvements. Version 5.1.7 (3-8-13) -Framework improvements. -Updated language file. Version 5.1.6 (3-1-13) -Framework improvements. Version 5.1.5 (2-21-13) -Moved wpfooter. -Updated language definitions. Version 5.1.4 (2-14-13) -IE8 container fix. Version 5.1.3 (2-6-13) -Added style for 3rd level menu items. Version 5.1.2 (1-30-13) -Added embed to video.js Version (1-25-13) -Fix upload bug Version 5.0.9 (1-23-13) -js improvements, meta tag-links classes fix. Version 5.0.8 (1-14-13) -POT file updated, framework updates. Version 5.0.7 (1-6-13) -3rd tier menu. -Framework improvements. Version 5.0.6 (12-29-12) -Code cleanup. Version 5.0.5 (12-22-12) -CSS bug fixes. -Core framework updates. Version 5.0.4 (12-13-12) -Comments fix. -Menu options. Version 5.0.3 (12-12-12) -3.5 fixes, and bugs. Version 5.0.2 (12-7-12) -Background color/image fix. Version 5.0.1 (12-6-12) -3.5 fixes. Version 5.0 (12-4-12) -Initial Release Version 4.5.30 (11-07-12) -Added password protection for elements. -Styles for shortcodes. Version 4.5.29 (10-31-12) -Updated Presstrends. -Google font fix. Version 4.5.28 (10-23-12) -Comments hidden when protect page / post. -French support added. Version 4.5.27 (10-15-12) -Quick edit fix. Version 4.5.26 (10-08-12) -Archive actions fix. Version 4.5.25 (10-01-12) -Printf call to echo variable. Version 4.5.24 (09-24-12) -Setup pie.php file. Version 4.5.23 (09-18-12) -Changed how translations are laid out. Version 4.5.22 (09-10-12) -Fixed language files. Version 4.5.21 (09-04-12) -Fixed responsive slider in IE and Firefox. -Fixed float IE issue. Version 4.5.20 (08-27-12) -Logo url on / off option added. Version 4.5.19 (08-21-12) -Custom URL support. Version 4.5.18 (08-15-12) -Twitter bar border radius implemented. -wp_title fix. -Made meta tag language dynamic. Version 4.5.17 (08-14-12) -Chrome sidebar and decimal fix. -Presstrends fix. -Theme check fixes. Version 4.5.16 (08-08-12) -Favicon added (off by default). Version 4.5.15 (07-30-12) -Apple-touch icon off by default. Version 4.5.14 (07-23-12) -Upgrade bar improvements, added Facebook like. -Apple touch icon implemented. Version 4.5.13 (07-16-12) -German translation fix. -Improved marketing copy. -Upgrade bar added to theme options. -Sticky push div fix. Version 4.5.12 (07-06-12) -Twitter embed fix. -z-index nav fix. -Inactive element fix. -Sticky footer push div. Version 4.5.11 (07-02-12) -Added ability to turn off mobile search. -Fixed search bar issue when responsive design was disabled. -Implemented footer CSS fix. Version 4.5.10 (06-24-12) -Search for mobile was missing. Removed .searchform {display:none} from foundation.css added hide-on-phones for original search and created a new search just for phones below nav bar in header-actions.php. Centered search. Version 4.5.9 (06-20-12) -Fixed validation error with "Read more..." link. Version 4.5.8 (06-15-12) -Replaced wp_theme_data() (deprecated) with wp_get_theme() in opt-in PressTrends function, backwards compatible with 3.3 and below. Version 4.5.7 (06-12-12) -Fixed breadcrumb issue related to single posts/media attachments. -Fix for random "no tweets to display" message for the Twitterbar. -Added code to prevent direct access to PHP files. Version 4.5.6 (06-06-12) -Added Czech language files. -Responsive design tweak for social icons. Version 4.5.5 (05-30-12) -Added Hindi language files. -Removed unused theme options and cleaned up related theme code. -Code cleanup in comments-actions.php. Version 4.5.4 (05-24-12) -Bug fix for sidebars related to last update. Version 4.5.3 (05-22-12) -Added prefixes for all custom post meta data options. -Added function to convert previous custom post meta values to new ones. -Added Danish language files. -Added Catalan language files. Version 4.5.2 (05-15-12) -Removed call for unnecessary JS file causing errors for some users. -Updated some copy in the stylesheet. Version 4.5.1 (05-14-12) -Added option for responsive video embeds (Youtube/Vimeo). -Added Polish language files. Version 4.5 (05-08-12) -Added Product Element. -Updated styling of Twitter Bar and Breadcrumb Elements. -General CSS cleanup. -Updated default background image. -Adding missing translation wrapper to pagination function. -Added Italian, Turkish, Swedish, Spanish, Persian and Russian language files. -Updated core.pot Version 4.1.6 (05-01-12) -Fixed blowout when all social icons are enabled. -Removed some additional unused images. -Mobile Menu now works in phone landscape mode. -Fixed bug with broken "next" link in pagination. Version 4.1.5 (04-24-12) -Added missing $content_width global to theme setup function. -Added missing tags hook to archive template. -Updated pagination function with missing translation functions. -Updated core.pot. -Added Pinterest social icon option. -Removed several unused images. Version 4.1.4 (04-17-12) -CSS fix for menu in IE. -Removed ereg_replace from Google Font code for PHP 5.3 compatibility. -Re-added IE Quirks fix. -Removed some unused translation functions. Version 4.1.3 (04-10-12) -Fixed Twitter Bar @replies option in page options. -Added Hebrew language files. -Removed unecessary translations from several po files, updated corresponding mo files. Version 4.1.2 (04-03-12) -Twitter Bar no longer requires Twitter for WordPress plugin. -Unidentified index error fix for meta box code. -Added Romanian language files. -Updated screenshot. -Removed height: auto from objects in responsive style sheet. -Fixed bug with archive of an empty category. -Adjusted "viewport" initial scale for full-width mobile device view. -Added script to wrap YouTube and Vimeo embeds in special div when responsive design is enabled. Version 4.1.1 (03-28-12) -Updated missed Google Font library call for SSL support. -Fixed strange quotes around HTML elements in Google +1 button code. -Only enqueue Google +1 script if enabled in theme options. -Fix for Facebook Like and Google +1 alignment on Single and Archive templates. -Changed link text to "Read more…" when the_content() is used. -Fixed several translation functions. -Updated core.pot. Version 4.1 (03-21-12) -Clear fix for posts for non logged-in users. -Re-added PressTrends with new opt-in only option. -Fix for Google +1 button. -Updated core.pot -Added Croatian translation files. Version 4.0.9 (03-14-12) -Added French translation files. -CSS fix for search widget. -zindex fix for fallback menu dropdowns. -IE8 fix for featured images. -Minor style and copy tweaks. -Removed some old images. Version 4.0.8 (03-08-12) -Removed PressTrends function. Version 4.0.7 (03-07-12) -Fixed typo in theme options panel. -Fix for page titles. -Updated Google Font Library call to be SSL friendly. -Added browser specific HTML classes for IE CSS. -Updated some theme copy. -CSS tweak for HTML tables to fix calendar widget bug. -Added next/previous image paginiation for attachments. Version 4.0.6 (03-01-12) -Additional margin fix for HTML tables. -Updated Foundation CSS. -Adjusted doctype. -Removed legacy icon margin option. -CSS tweaks. -Removed HTML comment before doctype call, fixes IE quirks mode issue. -Adjusted image upload preview style. Version 4.0.5 (02-23-12) -Fix for HTML tables. -Added align:none option for featured images. -Added missing translation wrapper to Tags: text. -Added a few IE related CSS fixes. -Responsive design tweaks. -Modified breadcrumb style, made them a page element and a templates option. -Removed archive title and search result text from templates. -Improved post index pagination. Version 4.0.4 (02-17-12) -Adjustment to Foundation JS calls to fix further plugin conflicts. -Fixed broken credit link. -Fixed IE8 post thumbnail bug. -IE7 styling fixes. -Fixed slider captions not displaying. -Fixed page title option bug. -Extended featured image option to Archive and Single templates. -Theme options copy update. Version 4.0.3 (02-13-12) -jQuery no-conflict fix for better plugin compatibility. -Removed slider timer animation. -Adjustment to mobile menu js to fix conflict issue. -Adjustment to slider arrows. -Moved custom responsive CSS out of general style sheet to avoid conflict with responsive design disabled. -Removed several unecessary options. -Fixed description color option. -Adjustment to home button. Version 4.0.2 (02-06-12) -Fixed slider image filename. -Fixed postbar bug on single pages. -Removing slider from active blog elements now hides it. -Fixed CSS bug with media embeds. -Various responive design style fixes. -Added old slider arrows back, added option to disable timer. Version 4.0.1 (02-04-12) -License notification and theme URI fix. Version 4.0 (02-03-12) -Added Foundation CSS grid, offering both responsive and static design. -Drag and Drop Header and Blog elements added. -Added WordPress Template Options (404, Search, Archive, Single) -Replaced NivoSlider with Orbit. -General bug and style fixes. Version 3.1.4 (01-25-12) -Moved scripts into unified function, hooking into wp_enqueue_script. Version 3.1.3 (01-16-12) -Fixed bug with featured thumb option. -Re-added link color option. -Removed unnecessary option from post meta options. -Fixed bug with page SEO output. Version 3.1.2 (01-06-12) -Fixed social icon bug. -Fixed menu bug. -Fixed default color scheme bug. Version 3.1.1 (01-05-12) -IE 8 fix. Version 3.1 (01-04-12) -Changes to CyberChimps Core Framework. -Added new theme specific hooks in light of changes to Core Framework. -New metabox code/styling. -Cleaned up functions file. -General HTML markup revisions. -Added Dutch and German translation files. Version 3.0.6 (12-22-11) -Added Portuguese language support. -Added rel="me" attribute to social icon links. -Removed unnecessary code from social icon function. Version 3.0.5 (12-15-11) -Additional visual tweaks for WordPress 3.3. -Minor tweak to comments hook. -Minor HTML markup tweak. -Removed 404 image. -General fixes and cleanup. Version 3.0.4 (12-09-11) -Removed cursor:pointer from iMenu css. -Removed call to missing stylesheet. -Removed unecessary template file in Core directory. -Fixed post formats icons not displaying without saving settings. -jQuery no-conflict fix. -Now enqueing WP jQuery library. -Changed old 'ifeature' textdomain to 'core' in comments.php. -Minor CSS tweak to meta link colors. -Centered theme options panel, added WordPress 3.3 fix. Version 3.0.3 (12-01-11) -Adjustment to search results text. -Posts with no title will now display "Untitled". -Fixed child theme support. -Adjustment to UL in comments. -Fixed bug where not keymaster admins in multisite installs could not access theme options. -Changed footer styling. -Fixed visual issues with IE. -Added missing No Tile option to custom backgrounds. -Disabling slider navigation also hides slider nav style. -Fixed some social icons not showing up by default. Version 3.0.2 (11-27-11) -Fixed Google Analytics code option. -Added missing Header Contact area option. -Added missing defaults to image options. Version 3.0.1 (11-26-11) -Removed .gitignore file. Version 3.0 (11-26-11) -Introduction of CyberChimps Core WordPress Framework. -New Theme Options panel using Classy Options Framework. -Introduction of Drag and Drop page elements. -Introduction of custom CSS grid. -New theme design, includes bordered post and page containers, modified post layout. -Removed SuperFish, using CSS menu. -Twitterbar added for use on a per-page basis. -Post formats support added. -New social icon set added. -Added post pagination links to single.php. Version 2.1.3 (11-16-11) -Social icon z-index fix. Version 2.1.2 (11-02-11) -Added Romanian language po and mo files. -Removed "default" label from Lucida Grande in font selection dropdown, added it to Arial instead. -Added classes for category, tag and date archive titles and adjusted margin. -Adjusted margin on breadcrumb div. Version 2.1.1 (10-25-11) -Fixed syntax error in search.php -Removed unecessary PHP closing tags from RSS icon code. -Removed unecessary esc_url from email icon. -Fixed syntax error in archive.php. -Fixed missing text domain in comments.php. -Fixed breadcrumb syntax error on page.php -General HTML elements styling. -Fixed broken jQuery call. -Fixed error in recent posts default widget where scheduled posts were displaying. Version 2.1 (10-18-11) -Added localization support, includes ifeature.pot as well as Spanish and French .po/.mo files. -Changed default font family to Arial, Helvetica, serif. -URLs now sanitized using esc_url when necessary. -Removed outdated get_bloginfo('url') call from breadcrumb function. -Fixed several broken links in theme options page. -Updated theme description and tags in stylesheet. Version 2.0.9 (10-11-11) -jQuery call now placed within a function that hooks into wp_enqueue_scripts. -E_STRICT fix in options.php, theme options validation now within a function. -Modified disable breadcrumb option. -Added missing image alt tags. Version 2.0.8 (10-1-11) -Added breadcrumb links for single post, page, archive and search templates. -Added definition list title and text styles. -Added Flickr social icon. -Adjusted h tag styles. Version 2.0.7 (9-23-11) -Added height:auto element to img.size-full class. -Removed unnecessary trailing slash in JS script file paths in functions.php. -Renamed sidebar_register function to ifeature_widgets_init. -Removed various empty lines from template files. -Increased font size of site title. Version 2.0.6 (9-15-11) -Register sidebars now placed in a function that hooks into widgets_init. -Added ID and description to the footer widgetized area. -Fixed post thumbnail alignment issue caused by clearing float fix from 2.0.4. -Added post pagination links on main blog index. -Fixed img.size-full width. Version 2.0.5 (09-08-11) -Stripping HTML from Google + and Google Maps social icon URL option. -Stripping HTML from logo and favicon URL option. -Updated font choices. -Updated readme.txt. Version 2.0.4 (8-31-11) -Fixed HTML code showing up in header contact area. -Added trailing slashes to default social icon URLs. -Added height and width element to social icons. -Fixed floats not clearing on images. -Fixed paddings on site title/description. -Lightened link hover color in footer. -Adjusted padding, margins and font size of footer widget titles. -Adjusted margins/padding on post title, meta, and entry classes. -Added link hover on secondary footer menu. -Removed unnecessary text domain property from link to theme settings in admin menu. Version 2.0.3 (8-23-11) -Fixed issue related to Google Analytics code appearing in the footer. -Added link to iFeature theme options settings in the Admin bar. -Added Arial and serif secondary fonts to body font family. -Updated NivoSlider script to 2.6. -Now enqueueing WP jQuery library again in light of NivoSlider update. Version 2.0.2 (8-16-11) -Replaced Cantarell with web-safe Lucida Grande as default font for better browser readability. -Replaced stripslashes() with esc_textarea() (Thanks to Chip for pointing that one out). -Removed function_exists() conditional wrapper for add_theme_support() in functions.php. -Removed instances of localization calls. Localization support will be added in 2.1. -Adjusted site name and description margins in header. Version 2.0.1 (8-05-11) -Fixed bugs with Google Plus, Email and RSS social icons. -Changed all social icon/ credit links to open in new window. -Updated some theme options copy. -Fixed title conditionals in header.php. -Removed wp_specialchars(), replaced with esc_html(). -Updated 404 page, added custom image. Version 2.0 (8-01-11) -Added "Design", "Social", "Blog" theme options tabs, removed "Header", "Footer" and "SEO", moved footer copyright option to "General". -Added image uploader for logo and favicon, removed text input for URL. -Added color picker for link color. -Replaced Coinslider with NivoSlider. -Changed sidebar widget title background style, added option to revert to "classic" mode. -Added checkboxes to hide social icons. -Added support for post excerpts, featured images, and hiding various post meta elements. -Added Google +1 button option. -Added link to Author archives in post meta content. -Added drop down menu option for picking blog post category for feature slider. -Restyled theme options page. -General bug fixes. Version 1.2.1 (7-27-11) -Added CyberChimps Themes page in preparation for iFeature Pro 2.0. Version 1.2 (7-19-11) -Added search query to title on search results page. -Fixed featured images not clearing with short posts. -Added "Allan" Google Font. Version 1.1.9 (7-13-11) -Added Google + social icon. Version 1.1.8 (7-06-11) -Adjusted theme option CSS to eliminate WordPress 3.2 footer styling conflict causing footer to appear in middle of theme opions. Version 1.1.7 (7-01-11) -Security fix in comments.php removing $_SERVER variable statement. -Cleaned up options.php, removed unnecessary functions. -Now enqueueing WordPress jQuery library instead of Google's for offline functionality. Version 1.1.6 (6-13-11) -jQuery noconflict patch to fix third-party plugin compatibility issues. Version 1.1.5 (6-6-11) -Fixed broken menu item background for links beyond first row of navigation. -Featured images now link to corresponding post, fixed featured image alignment. Version 1.1.4 (6-5-11) -Fixed post container bug related to custom backgrounds in search.php. Version 1.1.3 (5-25-11) -Made SEO tags in header dependent on theme options settings. -Optimized style.css, removed outdated styles. -Removed legacy custom field options for iFeature slider options. -Removed title / alt tags from credit link. -Fixed issue where bullets and numbers on lists weren't displaying properly. -Updated doctype to HTML5. -Updated .ico support, including a default .ico. Version 1.1.2 (5-11-11) -Fixed menu CSS to eliminate dropdown blowout when loading certain pages. -Added WordPress background color / image support. -Revised CSS for posts and pages to have a post container with a white background. -Searchbar CSS fixes for IE. -Implemented PIE for rounded corners in IE7-8. -Removed alpha filter for social icons for IE7-8 due to rendering issue (hover no longer supported for IE7-8, IE9 and modern browsers are fine). Version 1.1.1 (5-4-11) -CSS fixes (iMenu). Version 1.1 (5-2-11) -CSS fixes (footer, comments). -Credit.php text revised. -Now using Meta-options instead of custom fields. Version 1.0.7 -Fixed menu blowout issue, extra menu items now display below main navigation. -Set max image and caption width for post content to avoid blowout. -Removed hard-coded superfish script from header, now hooked from functions file. -moved wp_footer in footer.php above closing HTML body tag. -Removed function_exists() conditionals from register_sidebar calls. -Searchbar in nav.php now called from get_search_form(). -post_class() added to all page templates. Version 1.0.6 -Removed "Tangerine" font choice -Fixed secondary footer menu blowout issue -Removed WordPress Background option -Updated sf.js to fix jQuery issue. -Updated docs on credit.php. Version 1.0.5 (4-24-2011) -Fixed search page pushdown issue, removed extra instance of pagination -"Search" text in search field removes when user clicks within the search box -Reset button in theme settings properly redirects back to theme settings page -Replaced depreciated WordPress function in header.php with current version -Added more detailed theme description in style.css Version 1.0.4 (4-22-2011) -Removed a default widget. Version 1.0.3 (4-21-2011) -Separated theme options code from general functions file, now called options.php -Modified theme options page to remove unidentified index errors and modified the UI -Fixed sidebar pushdown issue on comment-enabled pages -Fixed all HTML related errors, now Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional -general bug fixes Version 1.0.2 (4-9-2011) -Fixed parse errors related to older PHP builds -updated depreciated WordPress calls -general bug fixes Version 1.0.1 (4-6-2011) -Updated Theme URI in style.css Version 1.0 (4-5-2011) -Initial release