=== Tags 2 Meta Generator === Contributors: axdimensions Donate link: http://www.axdimensions.com/pixelnotes/category/wordpress/tags-2-meta-generator/ Tags: meta, tag, head, seo, adsense Requires at least: 2.0 Tested up to: 2.6.3 Stable tag: 0.1 Generates META tags automatically from your post tags! == Description == An extensive WordPress plug-in that generates **META tags** automatically for your posts! Let it be your post or home page, this little plug-in does it job automatically. The plug-in works in an intelligent manner, `META description` is generated on the basis of page or post name respectively. Though when you are composing a new post, all post tags are automatically used as `META keywords`. However, in case of your pages (e.g. Home, About Me etc.), the plug-in compiles `META keywords` by putting all your category names, giving user a better *advantage* on **search engines** and specially in getting more *relative* **Adsense Ads** on their blogs! == Installation == 1. Upload `em-tags2meta.php` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == = I just updated my post tags; will my Meta tags be updated automatically? = Yes, that’s the beauty of this plug-in! = What if my post has no tags? = In such case, no META tag for `keywords` will be generated. Only META tag for description will be generated on that page. = WordPress does not let you enter tags on pages, what will happen now? = Not a problem! The plug-in takes all your category names and puts it in META keywords. = Does this plug-in require any management after it’s installed? = Everything is done automatically. You just have to install it and continue blogging the way you do! == Screenshots == N/A