=== Plugin Name === Contributors: keyword-strategy Tags: seo, search engine optimization, links, internal linking Requires at least: 3.0.0 Tested up to: 3.3.1 Stable tag: 1.9.1 The Keyword Strategy Internal Links plugin will automatically link keywords to destination pages within your website. == Description == The Keyword Strategy Internal Links plugin automatically links keywords to pages within a website. For example, you can make the first instance of the word "widgets" on any page to automatically link to the page yoursite.com/widgets/ = Here are the features = * automatically link keywords to their destination URLs * enable the Keyword Strategy tracker, which detects your backlinks and the keywords people use to find your site * easily insert keyword variations into your pages to attract additional visitors to your website * find additional pages within your site that would be good for additional internal links Please note that this plugin requires an active Keyword Strategy account. You can try a free 30-day trial of this powerful tool for Search Engine Optimization. == Installation ==
  1. Upload the keyword-strategy-internal-links directory into /wp-content/plugins
  2. Deactivate any current internal linking plugin you're current running
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in Wordpress.
  4. Enter your keyword strategy profile information on the Keyword Strategy Internal Links plugin settings page to connect to your account.
  5. Click "Update Now" to download your keyword/URL data.
  6. Check your website to make sure that the links you specify in your Keyword Strategy account are reflected in the HTML of your website.
== Frequently Asked Questions == = What is Keyword Strategy? = Keyword Strategy is a web-based tool that assists you with your search engine optimization efforts. It helps you find keywords, track your rank in the search engines, organize your internal and external links, and much more. You can find out more information by going to: https://www.keywordstrategy.org = Why do you need a Keyword Strategy account for this plugin? = One of the features of Keyword Strategy is that it automatically detects what pages on your website are the best match for various keywords for search engine optimization. The data for the Internal Links plugin comes from the user's account at Keyword Strategy. So if you haven't organized your links in your account, there's no way for us to know which keywords will link to which URLs on your website. = What happens if I close my Keyword Strategy account? = The Keyword Strategy tool is necessary to manage the internal links. If you shut down your Keyword Strategy account, the links will remain on your site, but you won't be able to change them. Eventually you'll probably want to replace this plugin with something different. == Upgrade Notice == Just replace old plugin files. == Changelog == = 1.9.1 = * Removed autolink only to posts/pages restriction. If you do not want to insert links for some parts of your website, you need to use "Filter URLs" feature from the Website tab * Fixed detach URL from wrong keyword bug = 1.9.0 = * Added Keyword Strategy menu to the Admin Bar * Improved Insert Keyword tab layout * Bug fixes and improvements = 1.8.8 = * Fixed Links Needed "No keywords available" bug = 1.8.7 = * Keyword Strategy Insert Keywords box on post edit page * Bug fixes and improvements = 1.8.5 = * Option to disable plugin on some URLs * Fixed "Incorrect username or password" bug * Bug fixes and improvements = 1.8.1 = * Fixed sorting bug on plugin settings pages * Fixed 0 keywords bug for blogs not in the root directory, e.g.: www.example.com/blog = 1.8 = * Option to allow links in H1-H6 tags * Filtering wrong URLs (attachments, tags, categories, etc.) * Added search box * Added sorting to the tables * Bug fixes = 1.7 = * New "Links Needed" section * Bug fixes and improvements = 1.6 = * New "Insert Keywords" section = 1.4 = * Bug fixes and improvements = 1.3 = * Plugin added to WordPress repository. * New option to limit number of keywords to link sitewide * Few bug fixes = 1.2 = * New option to include tracker code * New option to enable/disable internal linking * New option to prioritize links * New option to set monthly searches limit * Replacement algorithm improvements = 1.1 = * New option to limit amount of insert links per article * Fixed bug with slash in the URL = 1.0 = * First public release == Screenshots == 1. Overview. 2. Insert Keywords. 3. Links Needed.