=== RSS Poster === Contributors: Jesse Donate link: http://www.wprssposter.com/ Tags: rss,post,feed,auotblog Requires at least: 2.8.6 Tested up to: 3.0.1 Stable tag: trunk RSS Poster will automatically grab FULL articles from chosen RSS Feeds.
== Description == RSS Poster will automatically grab FULL articles from chosen RSS Feeds.
- Easy to install
- Easy to use
- Grabbing full articles from chosen RSS feeds.
- Duplicate post filter
- Choose the maximum number of articles per feed.
- Choose the hours that each feed will be updated.
- Change post status of each feed. publish or draft.
- Specific author of each feed. The author's name is grabbed from user's nickname. - Custom article source template. Only works when rewrite is NOT selected. - Unlimited feeds option.
- Feeds Data Export.
- Feeds Data Import.
- Custom time interval between posts of each feed.
- Cache image or not.
- Control the frequency that RSS Poster will automatically process and update all feeds.
- Optional Cron Job.
- Tags support
- Category support
- Log
Please spend a little time to read the FAQ on RSS Poster and leave your feedbacks to make RSS Poster better!

== Installation == 1. Extract rss-poster.zip in the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Go to "Settings" In "RSS Poster" Menu 4. Follow the on-screen instructions == Frequently Asked Questions == None == Screenshots == rssposter.jpg == Changelog == = 0.1 = * Basic Version = 0.2 = * Thanks for suggestions provided by Joseph! = 0.3 = * Speical thanks to Shawn = 0.4 = * minor improvement = 0.5 = * new features added. = 0.5 = * new features added. = 0.6 = * Misc page added. == Upgrade Notice == None